Our commitment to safe sport

Sport organizations in British Columbia are committed to creating a safe sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants personal goals, and is free from all forms of maltreatment.

A fair and safe sport system

As part of the British Columbia Sports Hall of Fame and Museum’s (Sports Hall) commitment to Safe Sport and inclusion, our youth education program delivery staff have completed Commit to Kids training through the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.  Under the Sports Hall’s Employee Policies and Procedures, all teammates are required to adhere to the BC Universal Code of Conduct, to advance a respectful sport culture that delivers quality, inclusive, welcoming and safe sport experiences.

All Sports Hall teammates and volunteers involved with program delivery, who work with or potentially have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults, must undergo criminal record checks by the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP).

The Sports Hall values fair, safe, open, and inclusive sport for all.  To this end, in partnership with viaSport British Columbia, we promote and activate initiatives with and for our teammates and program participants.

How to report maltreatment

The Board of Trustees of the BC Sports Hall of Fame is undertaking work to develop a Safe Sport Response policy across the organization.  The intent is to provide a safe pathway for the receipt of complaints, impartial investigation, and response procedures.

If you are aware of a suspected incident of abuse, harassment, discrimination, bullying, or maltreatment, we encourage you to reach out to the Canadian Sport Helpline for support.  Our Board Chair and CEO are also reachable at board@bcsportshall.com and ceo@bcsportshall.com, respectively.

B.C. Helpline for Children:  a confidential toll-free phone line for children and youth wanting to talk to someone – 310-1234 (no area code required)

VictimsLinkBC: a toll-free, confidential, multi-lingual telephone and online service available across BC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.

Resilience BC: the Anti-Racism Network provides information about how to report incidences of racism and hate crimes if you are a victim or witness such incidences.

Additional information and resources

The BC Sports Hall of Fame’s safe sport framework is in development with our Governance and Planning Committee.  You may preview a draft of the policy framework here:

  1. Employee and Volunteer Screening Policy
  2. Participant Protection Policy
  3. Safe Sport Reporting and Investigations 

    If you have any comments to share on the draft policy framework, please reach out to us at board@bcsportshall.com or ceo@bcsportshall.com

viaSport British Columbia is committed to supporting sport organizations in creating sport environments that are free from all forms of harm: physical, mental, emotional, and psychological. viaSport’s approach to Safe Sport encompasses injury prevention, concussion management, protection from maltreatment, and mental health.

To learn more, please click on the links below: