Throughout his 63-year career, Fred Page dedicated his life to fostering the sport of ice hockey. His extensive knowledge of the sport has enabled him to wear such prestigious titles as player, coach, referee, president, directorate, and executive member.

From his early years as a player-turned-referee in his hometown of Port Arthur, Ontario, Page was building a reputation as an accomplished and highly gifted athlete. He played his final season of competitive hockey in 1938-39, followed by a short but recognized stint as a referee. He was then selected to handle the 1958 Western Memorial Cup and Allan Cup playoff staff.

Although very proficient as a referee, Page decided it wasn’t for him and got involved in hockey administration. In 1951 he was elected president followed by an appointment of Life Membership. He later took the role of co-chairman for both the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) and the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States (AHAUS), a role he filled until 1971. Page played a role in four Olympic Games, most notably as president and hockey directorate for the 1972 Sapporo, Japan Winter Olympic Games.

In recognition of his long service to the game, Page was honoured by the Northwest Ontario Sports Hall of Fame and in 1993 was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

A little closer to home, Page held the title of executive director for the Pacific Coast Junior Hockey League, which he helped form. This role continued when the league amalgamated with the BC Junior Hockey League. In 1983, Page took on the role as league chairman of the board until his death in 1997.

The sport of hockey enabled Page to travel the world, all the while representing Canada with vigor and pride. His lasting influence in nurturing the game will be his legacy for hockey in Canada.