Eden Donatelli Green’s athlete profile in short track speed skating clearly demonstrates her fondness, talent, and reverence for the sport. Her incredible determination and dedication helped her compete in a sport that was dominated mainly by eastern Canadian skaters. At a young age, Green, who competed under her maiden name Donatelli, won various titles on the world stage and was ranked as one of the world’s best in short track speed skating.

At age sixteen, Donatelli Green competed in the world championships in Montreal, Quebec and won a gold medal in the 500m. She moved to Montreal to train as a member of the Canadian Olympic relay team and competed at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary where she earned Olympic silver and bronze medals when short track speed skating was first offered as a demonstration sport. She went on to achieve an impressive collection of gold, silver, and bronze medals in multiple international and national sporting events, such as the world and North American championships, world team and short track championships, and Canadian championships.

After retiring Donatelli Green later taught, coached, and pursued her Masters Degree at Simon Fraser University. Among her many accomplishments, she has a long list of awards including BCSSA Athlete of the Year Award (1983 and 1986), Government of Canada Tribute to the Champions (1987), induction to the BC Olympic Hall of Fame in Mission, and lifetime membership in Mission Racers Speed Skating Club to just name a few.

Donatelli Green challenged and prevailed over political and gender barriers, assisted in establishing new national guidelines, and entrusted prestige and excellence to all levels of speed skating for future generations to come.